Smart solutions increase quality of life

Brno, January 17th 2018

The introduction of smart technologies has a crucial impact on the modern operation of a city and increasing the quality of its citizens' lives. Such was the central topic of the conference at the TRC in Brno, where delegates of towns and municipalities, experts, universities and departments of the government met.

The organizers optimized the program to the needs of the magistrates, mayors and expert workers who were still only considering the implementation of information technologies, as well as those who had already started to do so and were interested in further domestic and foreign experience.

They found out about all that can be SMART in a city and what that brings to the citizens - how to grasp the topic on a local level and where to begin - what the premises are of a complex approach to mobility solutions: modern traffic analyses, environment monitoring and others - what the premises are of a thought-through, sustainable mobility plan and the role of traffic telematics in it - what BIG DATA is and how it impacts strategic planning and investments in a city - how to exploit smart technologies for the planning of low-carbon mobility - what the SOLEZ project, carried out by the TRC, offers to cities.

The theoretical lectures were supplemented with examples from bigger and smaller towns, such as Olomouc (implementation of a sustainable mobility plan), Otrokovice (local strategy of road traffic safety) and Třebíč (joining the Civinet network).

The program was brought to a close by practical demonstrations measuring the quality of air, smart cobblestone, and telematic devices.

The event was held by the Transport Research Center, the Regional Development Agency South Moravia and Industry Cluster 4.0.


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